Book - Green Smoothies: The Weight Loss & Detox Secret

Book - Green Smoothies:
The Weight Loss & Detox Secret
I just started with this book, I have 
found a few smoothies that I really
enjoy. I recommend reading all of 
the book not just the recipes if you
want to loose weight. As for the recipes
The very first recipes in the book is an 
Apple & Spinach Smoothie.... Yuk right?
Believe it or not its really good! The
book also gives you a break down of
what the drink calories, fat, protein and
Carbs. Just like any recipe book it also
tells you how many servings the recipe 
will make and easy to follow directions 
and ingredients list. There are no 
illustrations, but lets face it with this
book you really don't need to see
several images of GREEN DRINKS! 


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